Now I wont tart this up. I'll tell it as it is. Horwich has the worst array of shops you can ever imaging. It's like time has passed... and nothings changed.
You're more likely to see a "2nd hand book shop come laundrette" than a H&M. There are also loads of them old fashioned "Hardware Stores" that you now only see in old American movies.
Not all shops are so crap though. Leigh Lane has brought along some all time classics such as "Games, Frames and Arrows" and J's barber shop, when he's open.
I think the best shop in central Horwich is the Ski Shop. Now this has always puzzled me, but come on! A ski shop in Horwich?! Where the hell is anyone going to ski round there? More to the point, who can afford it?! It's like sticking a Harrods in the first town the tsunami hit. Jeeeez. Anyway, good luck to Mr Skishop.